
Friday, July 31, 2009

hari ini hari jumaat

A. Ahli Syurga Dari Awal.
B. Ahli Neraka Dari Awal.
C. Ahli Neraka Sementara Kemudian Akan Dilantik Jadi Ahli Syurga.

EMPAT GANJARAN LUMAYAN (khas untuk jawatan A):
1. Nikmat kubur.
2. Perlindungan di Padang Mahsyar.
3. Keselamatan Meniti Titian Sirat.
4. Syurga yang kekal abadi.

Bila-bila masa secara adhoc bermula dari saat membaca iklan ini.

Di dalam kubur (alam barzakh).

Anda tidak perlu bawa siji-sijil,termasuk sijil saham termasuk saham Internet.
Anda tidak perlu bawa pingat , Mercedes mata belalang atau kad kredit.
Anda tidak perlu bawa wang atau harta serta emas yang anda kumpul.
Anda tidak perlu berparas rupa yg cantik, hensem atau berbadan tegap atau seksi.
Sila bawa dokumen asal iaitu : Iman dan Amal serta sedekah jariah sebagai sokongan.

Mungkar dan Nakir.

1. Siapa Tuhan anda?
2. Apa Agama anda?
3. Siapa Nabi anda?
4. Apa Kitab anda?
5. Di mana Kiblat anda?
6. Siapa Saudara anda?

Anda cuma perlu menunggu penjemput yang berkaliber untuk menjemput anda. Ia akan menjemput anda pada bila-bila masa saja (mungkin sekejap lagi). Ia akan berlembut kepada orang-orang tertentu dan akan bengis kepada orang-orang tertentu.

Ia diberi nama Izrail.

Hadis Hasan yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad Hanbal, yang bermaksud begini:

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W:
'Sesungguhnya apabila jenazah seseorang itu diletakkan di dalam kuburnya, sesungguhnya jenazah itu mendengar suara (terompah kasut) orang-orang yang menghantarnya ke kubur pada saat mereka meninggalkan tempat itu. Jika mayat itu seorang muslim, maka solat yang dilakukannya ketika beliau masih hidup di dunia akan diletakkan di kepalanya, puasanya diletakkan disebelah kanannya, zakatnya diletakkan di sebelah kirinya dan amalan kebajikan daripada sedekahjariah, silaturrahim, perkara kebajikan dan ihsan diletakkan dihujung dua kakinya.' Ia akan didatangi malaikat dari aras kepala, maka solat itu berkata kepada malaikat : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah ke sebelah kanan, maka puasa berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah kesebelah kiri, maka zakat berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk.

Kemudian di datangi dari arah kedua hujung kakinya dan berkatalah amal-kebajikan : di bahagianku tidak ada jalan masuk. Maka malaikat berkata kepadanya : Duduklah kamu. Kepadanya (mayat) memperlihatkan matahari yang sudah mula terbenam, lalu malaikat bertanya kepada mayat itu : Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki-laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepadanya? Maka berkata mayat itu : Tinggalkan aku sebentar, aku hendak sembahyang. Maka berkata malaikat : Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengerjakan solat (boleh saja solat) tetapi jawab dahulu apa yang kami tanya ini. Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki -laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepada nya? Maka berkata mayat itu: Laki-laki itu ialah! Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan aku naik saksi bahawa nabi Muhammad saw itu ialah pesuruh Allah yang membawa kebenaran daripada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Maka malaikat berkata kepada mayat itu : Demikianlah kamu dihidupkan dan begitu juga kamu dimatikan dan dengan demikian juga kamu dibangkitkan semula diakhirat insya'Allah. Kemudian dibuka baginya satu pintu syurga, maka dikata padanya itulah tempat kamu dan itulah janji Allah bagi kamu dan kamu akan berada di dalamnya. Maka bertambahlah gembira mayat itu. Kemudian dilapangkan kuburnya seluas 70 hasta dan disinari cahaya baginya'.

Good luck!!

p/s: saja je..hari jumaat, bulan syaaban..bulan depan da bulan ramadhan..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

i prefer death

finally in kedah.

back in here for awhile for my friend's wedding.

gotta hate this feeling in my gut, in my heart 'cause it's nearing august. i dunno.

memories perhaps.

it's not that i hate it. but 'cause i love it too much. and it might hurt me perhaps.

and memories remain. sheesh.

that's why to me i can accept death better than i can accept a broken relationship.

death; someone you love were taken away. and you ought a know that that person is somewhere better.

and in a relationship; where u were left or u left, there are choices to be made. u can choose to hold on or u can choose to leave and wrecks a heart.

and too bad, i can accept death better. there's no choice to be made here. 'cause u can't choose to be alive when ur time is up, and it's impossible to know when is ur time. sounds sucky, but i like the concept of death. the elements of surprise.

being dumped or u choose to dump, well. that's stupid. or somewhat selfish. u know u said all the beautiful things, u said u love, u said that he/she is ur significant other, u said u wanna spend the rest of ur life with that person..but in the end..u ended up lying if u chose to end that relationship. well, there are choices to be made right there right?

i don't fancy it.

gosh. either i'm excited or not..nearing august, i'm not gonna be as nearly as happy like before.

p/s: even if i hope that i'm dead right now, i can't be dead if my times is not up. yay!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

true fact

"Cheaters only want hassle free relationship where they will benefit the most and look upon somebody new to replace the old ones yang kononnya banyak fault. They will give you tonnes of reason to cheat. Instead of dealing with problems they are looking for escapade. "
-fellow blogger, Sarah.

p/s: wow. nicely said.kudos to you Sarah.

stupid tears


i tried to watch this movie again, and tears flow. haish..annoyed.

but nevertheless a great movie indeed. dammit. thought i could handle this kinda movie, i shouldn't bawl like a baby. roar! i'm pissed!

p/s: perhaps i'll watch it again~haha!


rasa annoyed dan hilang mood untuk menulis kalau komputer sendiri sering kali hidup segan mati tak mahu.

macam da kena selesema babi.

oh God, please lemme be estatic once again. and please don't take it away.

p/s: ade duit lebih pulak.

Friday, July 24, 2009

big daddy

weekend lepas sempat spend masa berjalan-jalan tak buat apa-apa. just berjalan-jalan. but with a difference. me and my peeps gotta chance of playing 'daddy'. yeah dengan anak buah my friend that is, Dosh.

dan budak kecik itu sangat comellll~dan jugak cool~dia xmenangis langsung. senang jaga. dan dia xkesah dengan semua org. ye, mmg budak kecik kesayangan ramai. haha!

mari kita lihat.

hoho~dia sangat comel...nama dia Ahmad Dhani. air liur dia sgt byk.haha!

Oh, didalam gamba ini yang berbaju pink kat belakang itu cousin budak kecik nih. pon comel. Ewin name die. adorable sangat. nanti uncle belikan aiskrim yeee..sorry tak sempat aritu~

dan this weekend juga bakal berjalan dengan Donny( yes, name glemer die) sekali lagi. dia dtg jalan-jalan di ibu kota. Haha! it's gonna be fun!!

p/s: i'm Uncle Bil..hehe!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

makan-makan bersama nad

kisah ini ada kena mengena dgn nadiah binti musa.

aritu nad ajak gi klang. ajak lepak. pastu dia ajak lepak umah la pulak. kat umah dia, dia suruh aku masak.

rupa-rupanya, itu niat ko ye nad..suruh aku masak?

haish~ko nih..bawak-bawak la belajar masak..ko tu dah tua..hehe~

p/s: nad, comment la..hehe~

normal untuk aku, kau yang abnormal

normal untuk aku memarahi orang yang tak kenal hujung pangkal tiba-tiba datang ke dalam hidup aku untuk menasihati aku. and what a lame ass advice plak tu..u sounds like a retarded dr.phil..seriously, you do.

dan abnormal untuk ko masuk dalam hidup orang dan cuba untuk menasihat apa bagai. not having the guts and zero balls to tell people your name.

dan aku yang kau cakap ada attitude probs?sheesh~

it's not an attitude problem. aku tak suka stranger yang poyo nak jadi oprah. too bad.

tha's why i don't like you fucker!

p/s: perhaps i'll apologize if i know your name, and if only by that name..i know you.

sila berambus jika kamu anonymous

ini nota terang terangan.

if you wanna leave a comment, make sure u r not 'anonymous'..

cause that is just plain annoying..seriously. it is. i will go to bed everynight, cursing you. so, if u really wanna say stuff, put ur name.

get it FUCKER??


don't invade my space.


p/s: utk keterangan lanjut, sila berambus.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


my heart is aching..

is there any way to make me feel better?

it is 7 months already..and why oh why do i have a soft heart?

i wanna be me again..


p/s: watching P.S I Love You like a thousand times does not help.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


ayuh berkaraoke sebab lagu ni mmg layan la pulak~


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Layan la pulak~

Waktu bergulir lambat
Merantai langkah perjalanan kita
Berjuta cerita terukir dalam
Menjadi sebuah dilema

Mengertikah engkau
Perasaanku tak terhapuskan

Malam menangis
Tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
Mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
Cinta yang telah rapuh

Apa yang kugenggam
Tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

Aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
Dan telah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
Tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan

Akupun tak mengerti yang terjadi
Apa salah dan kurangku padamu
Kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
Karena sekali cinta aku tetap cinta

Monday, July 13, 2009


title letih ini ditujukan kepada housemate aku yang pulang dari keje keletihan.

mari kita lihat.

keian betulllll..balik keje, lepak atas sofa cam kucing..terus tertido sampai pagi..malas nak kejut..kesian sangat.aku just mampu tangkap gambar jek.

p/s:sebelum tido gosok gigi.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

lain kali jangan ajak aku

sebab hobi budak-budak aku di kedah ialah snooker, seringkali aku follow jek dorang men snooker. gila tak best snooker.

mari kita lihat.

yaa..mereka sungguh hebat dan mempunyai konsentrasi yg tinggi~dan ketika permainan tersebut berlalu dengan lama sekali. aku jadi bosan.

mari kita lihat.

yaaa...itu dia..aku tido di pusat snooker.

p/s: sila jangan ajak aku lagi lepas ni

Saturday, July 11, 2009

translate perkataan 'bertanduk'

biasa la manusia. manusia itu bernafsu. haha.

pernah tak rasa horny tak pasal-pasal?

admit it. aku tanya doktor, doktor ckp normal.semua manusia cam tu dan dia ckp aku je berani ngaku horny.haha!so what?

p/s: pfftttt!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

truly malaysian

Day 1: durians for lunch and dinner.

Day 2: pulut durian for breakfast and lunch..dinner with bubur durian with lempok durian for dessert.

Day 3: Whole day of durians feasting.

Day 4: breakfast and dinner with durians.

Today: OMG..i think i'm gonna be sick..barfff~!!!

p/s: my car and i smells like durian.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

it's killing me


no matter how hard you try to smile,
no matter how hard you try to laugh,
no matter how hard you try to fake your happiness,
no matter how hard you try to pretend that it's gonna be okay,
no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you are okay,

your heart will tell you that you are not okay..
your heart will tell you that you are not real..
your heart will tell you that you are not happy..

'cause something's missing..
'cause someone's missing..

all you can do is waiting..
and hoping..

just to be completed..
just to feel complete..

p/s: it's killing me..

dear god

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again
Once again

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

so what?

so what?

so what if i miss u?
so what if i miss u a lot?
so what if i still thinks about u?
so what if i thinks about u all the time?
so what if i still want u?

so what?

i can't answer everything.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

permulaan pesta julai

ini adalah permulaan kepada pesta julai kerana julai aku penuh dengan aktiviti.

1. pergi ambik king dosh kat airport dan pergi mkn mcd.

2. stucked dlm traffic jem.

3. pergi rumah baru djuan dan lepak pulak kat situ sambil menonton monsters vs aliens.

4. keluar window shopping. gila buang masa.

5. borak, borak, borak, borak, borak.

6. bertemu king amie. ye, hari ini adalah hari king-king bertemu..(king di sini adalah makhluk atau kawan-kawan yg suka mengarah, mengada-ngada dan yg sewaktu dengannya)

7. makan!!!

8. pergi arcade main game.kicked-ass in daytona.main game tembak2 utk buang duit.pastu tiba-tiba dtg sorg mamat paw king dosh rokok sebatang.gile selambe.

9. pastu pergi menonton.

10. pastu nak balik pergi car hunting sbb terlupa kat parking kereta.bodoh betul.

dan hari permulaan julai dihabiskan dengan rasa happy dan teruja.yay! great things are happening!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

lebih bermakna jika datang dari yang mengenali kita

'I love you'

kalau itu yg aku ungkapkan, i truly mean it. i'm not a type of guy which typically use that phrase to win a heart nor simply to steal her away. let alone just to make say 'aaww'..

when i said it, i truly meant it.

like, marriage true.

like, spending the rest of our lives together true.

like, everyhing i do, i do it for you true.

so, aku tradisional. that what made me special.

sebelum Kak Sheeda kawin, during my break-up. i went looking for her. yeap, untuk mengadu. plus, she knows how to make me feel better.

aku dtg mlm sabtu ke rumah. everybody was home. familiar faces made me glad. i decided to crash there.

before tido, aku tggu kt dapur.

" Bilah nak apa-apa tak?"

Kak Sheeda tanya kt aku.


I sat down waiting. there comes two cups of milo. one for her and one for me. she already know what happened and she wanted to know what's up with me.

" it is really depressing..lost..and felt like crap..nothing's goin rite..3 years worth of relationship gone down mcm tu je..haish..mase abg eez ptus tunang dulu mcm mane?bpe lame di knal ex-fiance die?"

aku sibuk nak tahu.

" hmm..7 thn dia dengan ex-tunang dia dulu..kenal dr zaman belajar lg. and abg eez tanggung sume belanja dia belajar, semua..fees, sewa rumah and all..everything..and she got a car already dr abg eez.."

wow.sampai mcm tu skali.

"what happened?"

aku sibuk lg nak tahu.

"mak ex-tunang dia suruh kahwin dgn org lain. sbb abg eez asyik belayar je. bila nk end up kahwin tak tahu."

"abg eez mcmna?"

aku tanya lagi.

" hmm..xyah ckp la..teruk jugak laa..most of his time mase tu dia habiskan baca quran..pergi masjid..dengar lagu sedih.."

teruk sgt. tak dapat aku bayangkan, org yg dah berusaha gila dgn menanggung segalanya tiba-tiba tunangannya diptuskan sbb kurg sabar.

" teruknya.."

" yeap..and abg eez was 30 years old masa tu.."


"maknanya bilah muda lagi..take chances. ok?"

" but, i'm not that type..i fancy marriage..romance..havin kids..sume nk cpt2..n i want everything to last forever..yeah, kita ada ckp prempuan itu ini cantik..but u know me rite?"

"hehe, yeap..u read emily dickinson..u love ur mom and dad..bilah suka budak-budak..u r neat..u can cook..dan org2 tua sume enjoy dgn kamu..and u really are different for ur age..u r a husband type, someone would be really lucky to have you.."

somehow, kak sheeda adalah antara yg mengenali aku tanpa perlu bertanya. dan bila semua itu keluar dr mulut org y btul2 mengenali diri aku, benda tu 1000 kali lg bermakna.

" akak tahu korg guys dlm famili kite sume sepesen..would do anything if u love someone..but then, when u crash..u crash hard..bila someone left u, kerana hatinya xde sifat sabar, xmenentu..that person is truly immature..selfish, 'cause she expected the world revolve around her..i use to be like that..but then i learn..sbg seorg prmpuan, kne byk brsabar..akak dgn abg zul sebelum brtunang dulu, kitorg 6 thn kenal..long distance relationship..dia belajar di Oman and i'm right here..and imagine that. lagi byk proses bersabar. cause u oughta know, it will be worth it. we would want it to last forever.."


aku just mendengar.

"u just take a break first ok..make sure next time that certain someone knows how to appreciate u..listen to u..and she won't hurt you..'cause love is endless..she would be lying if she said she loves u but ended up doing the opposites..and i know u, awak bukan type yg main hambur je 'i love u' ikut suka hati..bkn jenis 'i love u' on the 3rd date..i know that u treasure that word.."

thanks kak sheeda. what she said was true. points taken.

aku tahu, surviving this. aku lebih kuat. sbb aku xde tmpat bergantung.aku hanya ade diri sendiri. kudos to myself.

p/s: haish~

Elsa Soraya ; an important entity in my life

The weekend was spent with my girls, Sue and Sarah.

Time was spent talking. Long hours of talking.

Remembering, reminiscing, sharing, and hours of dreams and lotsa stuff to be looked forward to.
and haish~so i know all the stuff the 1986's born shouldn't know..that made me special kan sue?
and i can 'bebel' lots and lotsa stuff!haha!

Time well spent.

Tagging game by Sue.

  1. Nabil
  2. Nabilah
  3. Bilah (gila marah aku)
  4. Hoi setan.

  1. 4th of March 1986 (The day I was born.)
  2. 16th of June 1955 (My Mum's birthday.)
  3. This date was erased due to pain
  4. And i don't wanna remember this date anymore 'cause it doesn't matter to a certain person.

  1. Matikan alarm.
  2. Bangun tido.
  3. Sembahyang subuh, baca quran.
  4. Buat ini tag lah..haish~

  1. Fake the happiness on my face.
  2. Keep on dreaming and chase 'em.
  3. Call my mum and ask random question..( 'cause boys don't say 'mum i miss u..':p)
  4. Waiting and expecting life's fulfillment. You gotta know there will be something for you.

  1. Sue, terlalu gay la nk jawab nihhh..hish~
  2. My fave Bruce Lee t-shirt; Bruce Lee is a person.
  3. The one who left.
  4. and Her.

  1. Buck loads of endless supply of money.
  2. Invincibility.
  3. Megan Fox.
  4. a girlfriend; the one that wouldn't mind me dating Megan Fox at the same time.

  1. Sports.
  2. Spending quality time with my family.
  3. Spending quality time on the internet..hehe.sucker.
  4. Shisha di Al-Andalus jln Damai secara beramai-ramai.

  1. the simple Bali.
  2. Paris.
  3. Venice.
  4. Rio de Janeiro.

  1. Barbican.
  2. Any apple or orange juice.
  3. Coke.
  4. Air suam-suam kuku.

  1. Pitih.
  2. Identification card, driving licence, etcetera.
  3. Reminders.
  4. Logo manchester united.

  1. Blue.
  2. Pink.
  3. Green.
  4. Anything gay.

  1. Nasmir dan Restoran Taulat, mamak di Sg. Petani.
  2. Al-Andalus di jln damai
  3. jam besar sg petani.
  4. Mi casa.

  1. Mama.
  2. My family.
  3. My friends.
  4. haish~ this one is unavailable at the moment.

  1. Me and my mom going out.
  2. My pc and lappy for the memories.
  3. Megan Fox.
  4. This 'secret box' i have.

  1. i'm HUNdred times better :) - hun
  2. ღ From The Surface ღ -elly
  3. to express.not impress.-shen
  4. Arianna's Life Style-sweet ary
  5. daily shits & randomness - ida
layankan ajeee~very much appreciated:)

  1. Sbb sy syg sue.
  2. Sy syg mak saye.
  3. Sbb sy bgun pagi.
  4. Sbb sy xjumpa boxer saya